The following commands apply to cloud devices.
ca_devmgr [-cahost <host>]
-format [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun> <tape name>] [<mm/dd/yyyy> <serial no.>] [MEDIAPOOL <mediapool name>] -erase [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>] [q|qz|qw|l] -online [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>] -offline [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>] -compression [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>] <on|off> -listcloudconnectionname -listcloudfolder <cloud connection name> -createclouddevice <device name> <device description> <cloud connection name> <cloud folder> [<password>] -removeclouddevice <cloud connection name> <cloud folder> -setcloudgrpproperties <Group Name> -mstreams <Max Stream> -getcloudgrpproperties <groupname> -testthroughput <cloud connection name>[<Total Data Size(MB)> <Chunk Size(KB)> <Thread Number>] -purge <adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun> -sessions <session no.> [<session no.>] OR -purge <adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun> -sessions <session range>
<session range> can either be <start session no.>-<end session no.> or "all" which means all sessions
Cycles through all the adapters attached to the system and prints out the adapter name, adapter number, SCSI ID, vendor ID, product ID, and firmware of any tape device and cloud device connected to the system.
Formats cloud devices.
Since cloud-based devices cannot be assigned to a media pool, serial numbers and media pool options are disabled.
The adapter number, SCSI ID, lun, and the new name of the cloud-based device is required. The date and serial number are optional.
Erases cloud-based devices.
The adapter number, SCSI ID, and lun options are required.
Options include:
Sets the specified device (FSD, tape, or cloud-based device) to an online status. When set to online, the device can be used for a migration job.
Example: If you have an FSD, tape, or cloud-based device whose adapter #, scsi ID, and lun is 0, 0, and 1 and you want to set it to an online status, enter the following command:
ca_devmgr -online 0 0 1
Sets the specified device (FSD, tape, or cloud-based device) to an offline status. When set to offline, no other migration job can be submitted to the device.
If a migration job to the device is already in progress, you will not be allowed to change the device status to offline until the job is completed. For cloud-based devices, this behavior prevents multiple servers from accessing the device simultaneously. If a migration job attempts to access the device when set to offline, the job will fail.
Example: If you have an FSD, tape, or cloud-based device whose adapter #, scsi ID, and lun is 0, 0, and 1 and you want to set it to an offline status, enter the following command:
ca_devmgr -offline 0 0 1
Enables or disables compression on a cloud-based device.
The adapter number, SCSI ID, lun and the on or off flags are required.
Purges the specified session or group of sessions. Use this command to delete the data from the cloud-based device.
You can specify to purge a single session or multiple sessions in one of three methods; by session numbers (single or group), by range, or by all.
Note: <session range> can either be <start session no.>-<end session no.> or "all" which means all sessions
Specifies the session number (or group of session numbers), the range of session numbers, or all session numbers to be purged.
-sessions 1
-sessions 1 2 5 7 8
-sessions 3-5
-sessions all
By default, this command lets you export basic information about all existing cloud connections in a list form to the console. You can also redirect the output to a .txt or .csv file.
Lets you export basic information about all cloud-based devices that exist under the cloud account associated with the specified cloud connection.
This option has the following arguments:
Lets you create one cloud-based device to point to a new or existing cloud folder. If the cloud folder is set with password protection, you must enter the correct password for verification otherwise you cannot create one cloud-based device to link to the cloud folder.
This option has the following arguments:
Lets you remove cloud-based devices from Arcserve Backup.
This option has the following arguments:
Lets you set cloud group properties for the device identified in <Group Name> and specifies the maximum number of simultaneous data streams sent to the cloud-based device.
The default value is 4.
This option has the following arguments:
Directs Arcserve Backup to obtain the properties set for the group specified in <Group Name>.
This option has the following arguments:
Lets you test throughput for specific Cloud Connections with default arguments and get similar results as migration jobs for cloud connections.
The default value for testing is 16 mb for Total Data Size, 1024 kb for Chunk Size, and 4 for ThreadNumber.
This option has the following arguments:
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