The following File System Device (FSD) commands can be used only for an FSD.
ca_devmgr [-cahost <host>]
-format [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun> <tape name>] [<mm/dd/yyyy> <serial no.>]
-erase [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>] [q|qz|qw|l]
-online [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>]
-offline [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>]
-purge <adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun> -sessions <session no.> [<session no.>] or
-purge <adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun> -sessions <session range>
<session range> can be either <start session no.>-<end session no.> or "all" which means all sessions
-query <adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun> <-all|-copied|-uncopied|-purgable|-snaplocked|-failed> -sessions <session no.>[<-session no.>] or -query <adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun> <-all|-copied|-uncopied|-purgable|-snaplocked|-failed> -sessions all
-regenerate [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun> <tape name>] [<tape ID> <mm/dd/yy[yy]>]
-createfsd <FSD Description> <FSD Name> <FSD Path>[<Domain Name> <User> <Password>]
-removefsd <FSD Path>
-setstaging <Group Name> [[-mstreams <Max Stream>] [-mthreshold <Max Threshold/Purge to Threshold <"xx/xx%"|"xx/xx">>] [-snaplock <Enable Snaplock <0|1>>] [-pausemig <Pause Migration <0|1>>] [-chunksize <Chunk Size>]]
-cleanstaging <Group Name>
-getstaging <Group Name>
-queryfsd <FSD Path> [-group]
-creatededupefsd <FSD Description><FSD Name><Data Path><Index Path>[<Domain Name> <User><Password>][-GrpName <Group Name>]
-removededupefsd <Group Name>
-configdedupefsd <Group Name> [-FSDDsp<FSD Description>][-FSDName <FSD Name>] [-DataPath <Data Path>] [-IndexPath <IndexPath>]
-setdedupegrpproperties <Group Name> [[-mstreams <Max Stream>][-mthreshold <Max Threshold <"xx%"|"xx">>[-pausemig <Pause Migration <0|1>>][-optimization <Allow Optimization <0|1>]]
-getdedupegrpproperties <Group Name>
Formats a tape in a tape drive.
When used with the -force option, formats the specified media, regardless of whether it is in a Save Set or Scratch Set.
The adapter number, SCSI ID, lun, and the new name of the tape are required. The date and serial number are optional.
Erases a tape in a tape drive.
When used with the -force option, erases all data on specified media, regardless of whether it is in a Save Set or Scratch Set.
The adapter number, SCSI ID, and lun options are required.
Options include:
Important! Long erase removes the entire media from the beginning of the tape to end of the tape, and may take a long time to complete.
Sets the specified device (FSD or tape device) to an online status. When set to online, the device can be shared among multiple servers.
You must verify that you do not have more than one server set to write backup data to the same device at the same time. If multiple servers access the device at the same time, the backup could fail and data could get lost.
Example: If you have a FSD/tape device whose adapter #, scsi ID, and lun is 0, 0, and 1 and you want to set it to an online status, enter the following command:
ca_devmgr -online 0 0 1
Sets the specified device (FSD or tape device) to an offline status. When set to offline, no other backup job can be submitted to the device.
If a backup job to the device is already in progress, you will not be allowed to change the device status to offline until the job is completed. For an FSD, this prevents multiple servers from inadvertently accessing the device at the same time. If a backup job attempts to access the device when set to offline, the job will fail.
Example: If you have a FSD/tape device whose adapter #, scsi ID, and lun is 0, 0, and 1 and you want to set it to an offline status, enter the following command:
ca_devmgr -offline 0 0 1
Purges the specified session or group of sessions. Use this command to delete the data from the FSD.
You can specify the -force option to purge sessions, regardless of whether it has been migrated or not.
You can specify to purge a single session or multiple sessions in one of three methods; by session numbers (single or group), by range, or by all.
Note: <session range> can be either <start session no.>-<end session no.> or "all" which means all sessions
Specifies the session number (or group of session numbers), the range of session numbers, or all session numbers to be purged.
-sessions 1
-sessions 1 2 5 7 8
-sessions 3-5
-sessions all
Queries the specified sessions. Use this command to query the server about the currently active user sessions. You can request information about all of the active sessions or just those sessions that match the type you specify.
The -query command provides you with a description of the following information:
The adapter number, SCSI ID, and lun are required.
Displays a list of all copied sessions.
Displays a list of all sessions that were not copied.
Displays a list of all sessions that can be purged.
Displays a list of all sessions with SnapLock protection enabled and the retention period for each session.
Displays a list of all sessions that failed.
Specifies the session number, the group of session numbers, or all session numbers that you want to query.
-sessions 1
-sessions 1 2 3
-sessions all
Used with file system devices if you accidentally delete the tape header. It lets you regenerate or rebuild a tape header with a specified tape name (<tape name>) for a file system device. After you generate a new tape header, you can then merge all of the sessions on the file system device into the Arcserve Backup database, which enables the capability for point-and-select restores.
If you know the original tape name (<tapename>) and its tape ID (<tapeID>), you can reuse them so that the session records in the Arcserve Backup database can reconnect to the volume without having to merge the session records again. (You can check the original tape record in the Arcserve Backup database for the tape name and tape ID).
You can use the <mm/dd/yyyy> parameter to specify a different tape expiration date from the default date.
Specifies to create an FSD dynamically during run time, without stopping the tape engine. Arcserve Backup will check if the device to create is already in the device list system, and if not will add it to the device list.
Note: For ca_devmgr, the -createfsd command will fail if the Arcserve Backup Configure Groups GUI is open.
Specifies the description for the FSD being created.
Specifies the identity name for the FSD being created.
Specifies the physical path for the FSD being created.
Specifies the domain to access the remote FSD being created.
Specifies the user name to access the remote FSD being created.
Specifies the user password to access the remote FSD being created.
Specifies to remove an FSD dynamically from Arcserve Backup during run time, without stopping the tape engine.
Specifies to configure the FSD group as a staging group.
Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous data streams to be sent to the FSD in a staging group.
The available options are 1 or 2 streams, and the default value is 1 stream.
Specifies the maximum capacity threshold and purge to threshold of the FSD.
When the amount of used space on the FSD is greater than the specified maximum threshold, the data (from the oldest migrated sessions) will begin to be purged from the FSD. The "purge to" threshold is the minimum threshold and allows you to specify the amount of used space on an FSD when Arcserve Backup stops purging.
The maximum and purge to thresholds can be represented as either an absolute value (in MB) or as a percentage of the capacity of the volume.
By default, the maximum threshold value is 80%.
By default, the purge to threshold value is 60%.
The following example sets the maximum threshold value at 80% and the purge to threshold value at 60%:
ca_devmgr -setstaging group0 -mthreshold “80/60%”
If you only specify one threshold value, it will automatically represent the maximum threshold and the purge to threshold will be disabled. (The purge to threshold cannot be set independent of the maximum threshold.)
The following example sets the maximum threshold value at 80% and disables the purge to threshold:
ca_devmgr -setstaging group0 -mthreshold “80%”
Specifies to enable or disable SnapLock protection. When you back up data with SnapLock protection enabled, you cannot purge or over-write the backed up data until the specified retention time elapses. This ensures that the data on the FSD can not be deleted by any user.
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
By default SnapLock is disabled.
Specifies to pause the migration of data from the FSD to the final destination media. This option allows you to continue backing up to the FSD, but pauses the migration from the FSD to the final destination media in case the final destination media is scheduled for maintenance or has hardware problems.
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
By default, the pause data migration option is disabled.
Specifies the maximum amount of data (in KB) to be written to the staging device per write operation.
By default, the staging chunk size is 512KB.
Specifies to clean (or remove) the FSD staging group attributes from the local/remote server.
Specifies to get (or obtain) the staging group attributes from the local/remote server.
Specifies to query the FSD adapter number, scsi id, and lun by default; or query FSD group by switch "-group", this is mainly used for the automation script.
Directs Arcserve Backup to create a new deduplication device. You must provide the FSD Description, FSD Name, Data Path and Index Path. The Group Name is optional; you may specify a valid group name, if desired. If not, the new device is added to a default deduplication group.
Specifies a description for the deduplication device being created.
Specifies the identity name for the deduplication device being created.
Specifies the physical path where deduplicated data is stored.
Specifies the physical path where the index and reference file data is stored. This path should be on a different volume than the Data Path. If you mistakenly provide the same path as the Data Path, you will not be prompted to specify another path.
Specifies the domain to access the remote deduplication device being created.
Specifies the user name to access the remote deduplication being created.
Specifies the user password to access the remote deduplication being created.
Creates a new deduplication device group.
Specifies the name of the new deduplication device group created by -GrpName. This is optional. If you do not specify a Group Name, Arcserve Backup assigns the deduplication device to new default group.
Directs Arcserve Backup to remove the deduplication device identified by Group Name.
Specifies the name of the group containing the deduplication device to be removed.
Directs Arcserve Backup to modify an existing deduplication device. You may specify new values for FSD Description, FSD Name, Data Path and Index Path.
Specifies a new description for the deduplication device identified in Group Name.
Specifies a new identity name for the deduplication device identified in Group Name.
Specifies a new data path that the deduplication device identified in Group Name uses to store deduplicated data.
Specifies a new index path that the deduplication device identified in Group name uses to store the index and reference files associated with the deduplication process.
Note: The data path and index path only can be changed when the media of the deduplication device is a blank media
Instructs Arcserve Backup to set deduplication group properties for the device identified in <Group Name>.
Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous data streams sent to the deduplication device.
The default value is 1.
Specifies the maximum capacity threshold of the deduplication device. The threshold value can be specified as a percentage of the device's capacity or as an absolute value (in MB only).
The default value is 80%.
Specifies to pause migration of data from the deduplication device to the final destination media.
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
By default, the pause data migration option is disabled.
Enables or disables optimization in deduplication processes. When you deduplicate data with optimization enabled, only file header data is examined for changes instead of the entire file.
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
By default, optimization is disabled.
Directs Arcserve Backup to obtain the properties set for the group specified in <Group Name>.
Purge the sessions that reside on data deduplication devices that satisfy the purge policies. This argument lets you reclaim disk space on the device immediately.
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