The ca_merge command source arguments allow you to specify the data to be merged. You can use these arguments to identify the group, tape, and sessions to be used in your merge operation.
The ca_merge command includes the following source arguments:
[-group <group name> -tape <tape name> [<tape ID>]] [-tape <tape name> [<tape ID>]] WINDOWS Usage: [-currenttapeseq][-allsessions|-session [<session #>|<session range>]] UNIX Usage: [-currenttapeseq][-allsessions|-session <session range>]
Specify the tape group name to use for the merge job.
If you include -group, then you must also include -tape information.
Specify the tape to use for the merge job. The tape ID is optional and is used if there are multiple tapes with the same name.
Specify to use the current tape sequence for the merge job.
Specify to merge all the sessions of the tape for the merge job.
Note: If you select to merge all sessions and the tape set spans to multiple sequences, the sequence number 1 tape has to be present for this operation to complete successfully.
Specify to merge a single session or multiple sessions of the tape. Specify a session range to merge multiple sessions.
To merge session 27 of a tape named "MYTAPE" use the following command:
ca_merge -tape MYTAPE -session 27
To merge sessions 9 through 24 of a tape named "MYTAPE" use the following command:
ca_merge -tape MYTAPE -session 9-24
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