The tapecopy command destination arguments allow you to specify where the selected media is copied to. After you have selected the media you want to copy, you can select the destination and destination options for the tapecopy job.
Note: Tapecopy cannot create a target tape which is exactly same as the source tape when the source or target is a deduplication device. The exact same means that three items (tape name, sequence number, and random ID) are the same for the source tape and the target tape. In order to avoid this case, you must use -c or -idr switch to make the destination deduplication device different from the source tape.
The tapecopy command line utility supports the following destination arguments:
[-rd <remote server name>] [-zd <destination sequence no.>] [-d <destination group name>] [-c <destination tape name>] [-v <vault name>] [-k (Force Vaulting on Incomplete Copy)] [-m <Assign Media Pool Name>] [-max <# of days>] [-idd <Destination Random ID>] [-idr (Auto-Generate Random ID)] [-o (Overwrite)] [-off (Offline)] [-ex (Export)] [-wd <Wait On Destination Tape in Minutes>] [-g] [-forceMerge(Turn on Detail Merge)] [-jid <Job ID>] [-wormDst] [-fDstMux] [-eject <Eject Media>] [-dIgnoreFSDGroup] [-dpp <weeks:days:hours:minutes>] [-mdt <Media Pool Name>]
Specifies the name of the remote destination server to copy to. Use this when you want to send data to a remote host.
When using the -rd switch, the following limitations apply:
Specifies the destination sequence number to copy to. This distinguishes between sequence numbers when you use the -c option.
Specifies the name of the group to copy to. If you omit this option, any available group is used. Omitting the -d switch allows the Tape Copy program to decide the best available destination group for your tape copy operation.
Specifies the target tape name to copy to. Use this to specify the format name for blank tapes. If the target tape is part of a specified tape key (uniquely identified target tape), use this to specify the name of a tape to search for and append or overwrite to.
Note: You can use this switch when the destination tape is a deduplication device.
Specifies a vault name for the newly created tape to be added to. You must have MMO configured so that you can specify vaulting tapes from the command line.
Used only with the -v option. If you use this, the destination tapes will still be marked as vaulted on an incomplete tapecopy.
Assign tape to media pool option. Use this option when you want to assign your newly consolidated tape to a media pool.
This switch helps automate scheduled, unattended tapecopy jobs. When you use this, the tapecopy job searches for a target Save Set tape in the specified media pool to append to. If a Save Set tape does not exist, it searches for a scratch tape to format and use as the target tape. If a save or scratch tape does not exist, it tries to connect to a blank tape and format it as its target tape.
This option is used with the -m option and specifies the maximum number of days you are allowed to append to the target Save Set tape in the specified media pool.
If the current number of days since the last format time is greater than the specified maximum number of days, the tapecopy will skip this media as the destination media.
If the end user does not use this option, the default value maximum number of days is 2000 days.
Specifies the random ID of the destination tape.
Destination random ID option. Use this option to copy to tapes with an auto generated random ID.
Note: You can use this switch when the destination tape is a deduplication device.
Overwrite option. Use this when specifying a target tape key (tape name, random ID, and sequence number). If you use this option, you must also use -c, -zd, and -idd.
Offline option. Offlines the target tapes at the end of the copy operation. This switch is valid for changers only.
Exports target tapes at the end of the copy operation. This switch is valid for changers only.
Specifies the timeout in minutes for a successful connection to a destination tape.
Default value: 60 minutes
Maximum value: 71582 minutes
When called, will inform you that Tapecopy command will not automatically merge tapes into the database after the tapecopy operation is completed. Instead the Tapecopy command will link the copied session with the source session in the database during the tapecopy operation. If you still want to merge sessions after tapecopy, you can use the ‑forceMerge switch.
It is not necessary to include this switch in command line if you just want to link the sessions. Tapecopy will link the sessions even if this switch is not present.
Specifies to the tapecopy command to force running the merge process after the tapecopy operation is completed. Generally, using this switch is not necessary because the Tapecopy command will automatically link the copied session with the source session in the database during the tapecopy operation. However, if for some reason the source session is not in the database (information may have been purged or source tape may have been moved to a different location), this linking will not occur. In these cases, you can use this switch to force the merging of the copied session with the source session.
Specifies the Job ID.
Tapecopy will write its activity log information into the activity log that belongs to the job that is specified by this parameter.
Filters destination media such that only WORM capable media are included in the collection of destination media to choose from. This option ensures that you are copying to WORM media.
Use this if you want source sessions to be copied in a multiplexing (MUX) format to the destination media. If your destination media is blank, it will be formatted as a multiplexing media.
The eject option. Use this option to eject the target media.
Specifies to ignore or not allow using the FSD group as the target group.
Specifies a purge policy time for destination sessions.
Arcserve Backup will purge these sessions after this purge policy time expired. This option can only be used when destination tape is a deduplication device.
This option is divided into four time fields: weeks, days, hours and minutes, and should been set to zero if not needed. By default, the purge policy time is four weeks.
Specifies the media pool name for the destination tape.
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