The tapecopy command source arguments allow you to specify the data to be copied. You can use these arguments to identify the group, tape, and sessions to be used in your tape copy operation.
The tapecopy command includes the following source arguments:
[-n <beginning session number to be copied>] [-ntotal <number of sessions>] [-rs <Remote Server Name>] [-entire_s (copy all non-blank in group)] [-t <source tape name>] [-zs <source sequence no.>] [-s <source group name>] [-ids <source random ID>] [-ws <wait on source in minutes>] [-wormSrc] [-srcPassList [< source password list file name]] [-purgeSourceSessionsNow]
Specifies the starting session number to begin copying from on the source tape. This cannot be used with query switches.
Use this with the -n option. Allows you to specify the total number of sessions to copy beginning with the -n value you enter. This cannot be used with query switches.
The remote source server name. Use this when you want to receive data from a remote host.
Copy group option. Use this to copy all of the tapes in a group to another group. This switch is valid only within a changer.
The source tape name. Use this to specify the name of the tape you want to copy. This cannot be used with the query switches.
The source sequence number. Use this to distinguish between the sequence numbers when you use the -t option. This cannot be used with query switches.
The source group name. Use this to specify the source group name where your tape is located. Do not use this with the query switches.
Source random ID option. Use this to copy tapes with a specific random ID.
Specifies a timeout limit for session availability. The session may be on a tape that is currently being used.
Default value: 60 minutes
Maximum value: 71582 minutes
Specifies to get the password list to decrypt any encrypted source sessions (server side encryption sessions only).
There are two modes to initialize a password list: automatic mode and interactive mode.
The automatic mode allows you to provide a password list file using a command such as “-srcPassList < passwords.txt”.
In this mode, all required session passwords will be searched in the specified password list file and the copy process will proceed without any further user input. If you don’t specify a password list file, you will be prompted to provide the password in the interactive mode.
For example:
Please enter source password [Enter when done]: **** Please enter source password [Enter when done]: **** Please enter source password [Enter when done]: <enter> Received 2 passwords for source.
Each password should be included in a separate line in the password list file.
If you specify this option, tapecopy will attempt to find a matching encrypted session password for the source password provided. If it fails find a match, tapecopy will then query the session password from the Arcserve Backup database. If tapecopy still cannot find any matched session password this encrypted session will be skipped from the copy process. In addition, agent side encryption will not be treated as an encrypted session for tapecopy. As a result, this type of session will be treated as a normal session and tapecopy will not perform a password check.
When all passwords for the sessions to be copied have been saved in the Arcserve Backup database, you do not need to specify this option. All session passwords will then be queried from the Arcserve Backup database using the password management utility. However, if all passwords for the sessions to be copied have not been saved in the Arcserve Backup database, you will need to specify this option to provide session passwords.
Note: Tapecopy can accept a maximum of 8 passwords at the same time, with each password containing a maximum of 24 characters.
Purge the copied sessions on the source device immediately to reclaim space on the device. This switch requires you to specify the source group name and the source tape name. The source tape should be a data deduplication device or staging device. This switch can be used in conjunction with the database query options.
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