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Media Rotation Precautions

Both Arcserve Backup and IDS maintain backup histories of the media used, and other session information associated with dbspaces and blobspaces. However, during a restore operation, ON-Bar uses the IDS backup history, and not the backup history maintained by Arcserve Backup.

IDS selects the backup session to restore. Depending on its backup history, ON-Bar may prompt for Arcserve Backup media that is no longer in your media rotation scheme. In this case you may experience a failed restore job. We recommend that you keep all the IDS log backup sessions after a full Informix server backup until you complete another Full Backup.

Note: It is extremely important that you plan a practical backup media rotation scheme, based on a realistic IDS restore scenario. See the Administration Guide for information regarding media rotation. In general, you can rotate current media after backing up Informix server-related physical files when IDS is offline.