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Memory Report - Report View

The Memory Report can be displayed as either a pie chart or as a table. This report contains filters for Node Group, Node Name, and Node Tier.

Pie Chart

The pie chart shows the memory information for all nodes. The data is populated into the preconfigured categories. The total memory is reported for each node, regardless of how many slots the node may be using.

Memory Report - Summary Pie Chart

Show Table

If you select Show Table, the Memory Report displays more detailed information in table format listing the Node Name, OS, Memory Size, Memory Slots, and Speed for all of the allocated space categories.

Note: You can select the node name and right-click the mouse button to display a pop-up window with all related node information for the selected node. For more information, see Node Information.

More information:

Memory Report

Memory Report- Report Benefits

Memory Report- Drill Down Reports