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archive job schedules

An archive job schedule lets you configure your archive job by using the Repeat Method on the Schedule tab in the Archive Manager. The schedule lets you run an archive job on a repeating basis.

archive manager

The Archive Manager lets you customize your archive jobs using filters, specifying options, and setting schedules.

cloud connection configuration

A cloud connection is a user-defined configuration that contains the information that Arcserve Backup needs to communicate with the specified cloud vendor. The cloud connection helps ensure that your backup data is stored under the account that you created with the cloud vendor.

cloud storage

A cloud storage is the final destination where your cloud devices are stored.

cloud-based device

A cloud-based device is a virtual, Arcserve Backup device that you create in association with an Arcserve Backup cloud connection. The cloud-based device lets you direct Arcserve Backup to store data with the cloud vendor specified by the Arcserve Backup cloud connection.

data deduplication

Data deduplication is technology that allows you to fit more backups on the same physical media, retain backups for longer periods of time, and speed up data recovery.

data mover server

Arcserve Backup data mover servers facilitate the transfer of data to local storage devices. The storage devices include shared libraries and file system devices. Data mover servers are supported on UNIX or Linux operating systems. Arcserve Backup manages data mover servers from a single, centralized, primary server. Arcserve Backup data mover servers function in a manner that is similar to member servers.

Grandfather-Father-Son rotation

A Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) rotation is a backup schedule policy that uses daily (Son), weekly (Father), and monthly (Grandfather) backup media sets (tapes).

media pool

A media pool is a collection of backup media (tapes) that is set aside for a specific job and managed as a unit.

member server

Member servers function as worker servers to a primary server. Member servers process jobs dispatched by the primary server. Using primary and member servers you can have a single point of management for multiple Arcserve Backup servers in your environment. You can then use the Manager Console on the primary server to manage its member servers.


Multiplexing is a process in which data from multiple sources is written to the same media (tapes) simultaneously.


Multistreaming is a process that lets you divide backup jobs into multiple sub-jobs (streams) that run simultaneously and sends data to the destination media (tape device or file system device).

primary server

Primary servers function as a master server that controls itself and one or more member servers and data mover servers. With primary servers you can manage and monitor backup, restore, and other jobs that run on primary servers, member servers, and data mover servers. Using primary, member, and data mover servers, you can have a single point of management for multiple Arcserve Backup servers in your environment. You can then use the Manager Console to manage the primary server.


Staging is a method of protecting data that lets you back up data to a temporary data storage location, and then based on selected policy options, migrate (copy) the data to the final destination media.

The disk staging method utilizes a disk as the staging area and is commonly referred to as Backup to Disk to Tape (D2D2T).

The tape staging method utilizes a tape library or a Arcserve Backup virtual tape library as the staging area and is commonly referred to as Backup to Tape to Tape (D2T2T).

synthetic full backup

Synthetic Full Backup, or SFB, is a backup for Windows Client Agents that is executed as part of a Normal backup with staging option, Deduplication backup with staging option, or Deduplication backup that synthesizes, or combines, an initial full session and its subsequent incremental backups into one session. Each synthetic full session becomes the parent full session for the next SFB job (unless a real full backup session is executed after the SFB session).

virtual tape library

A virtual tape library (VTL) is a hard disk that is configured to behave like a tape library. You must configure the hard disk using Arcserve Backup.


A writer is application-specific software that lets Arcserve Backup create shadow copies of application-based data. A volume shadow copy is copy of the data that resides in a volume at a specific point in time.