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Unable to Run an On-Demand Synthetic Full Backup

Valid on Windows platforms.


When you submit an on-demand synthetic full backup job, the job does not execute and a message dialog opens indicating the reason why the synthetic full backup was not executed.

You may receive one of the following four messages:

  1. Cannot submit synthetic job since this job has been modified

    The synthetic full backup job was modified and no real full backup and incremental job is done.

  2. Unable to submit the data synthetic job, or there are no sessions that need to be synthesized

    The synthetic full backup job cannot synthesize full sessions because there are no suitable sessions that can be synthesized. This can occur due to two possible scenarios:

  3. Data synthetic job submitted successfully

  4. Data synthetic job submitted successfully

    n sessions were skipped that failed

    Even though there were some sessions that were synthesized to full sessions, some of the sessions were either skipped or failed. This can occur due to two possible scenarios:


  1. No action is required for this message. It will do a real full backup on the next synthetic day.
  2. If you have any sessions that failed, verify the previous incremental session and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a successful backup.
  3. No action is required for this message.
  4. If you have any sessions that failed, verify the previous incremental session and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a successful backup.