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Back up Data with Deduplication in a Staging Backup Job

You can select to deduplicate data during the staging phase, the migration phase, or both phases of a disk staging backup job by selecting deduplication device groups on the appropriate tabs.

To back up data with deduplication in a staging backup job

  1. Open the Backup Manager and click the Start tab.

    From the Start tab, click Deduplication Backup and Enable Staging.

    The Staging Location and Policies tabs appear in the Backup Manager.

  2. Click the Staging Location tab and expand the Staging Servers object.
    1. Browse to and select the deduplication group you want to choose as the staging group for this backup job.
    2. Click the Policies tab to specify Deduplication Staging policies.
    3. Specify the staging policies for full, differential and incremental backups required for your job.
  3. Click the Destination tab and expand the Servers object.
    1. Browse to and select the group you wish to use as the final destination for this backup job.

      Note: You may select a regular device group or another deduplication group, but you may not select the same deduplication group you specified as the staging destination.

    2. Click Deduplication Policy to open the Deduplication Purge Policies dialog.
    3. Click the Full Backup tab and specify the purge policy for full backups required for the job.
    4. Click the Differential/Incremental Backup tab and specify the purge policy for incremental and differential backups required for the job.
      • Purge data after -- Specify the number of weeks, days, hours, and minutes to purge the job session after the operation ends.

      Note: Make sure you view the deduplication staging policy because the default deletion policy is set to four weeks. If you want to retain backups longer than four weeks, you must manually adjust the policy.

    5. Click the Miscellaneous tab and choose the desired miscellaneous options:
      • Purge cancelled sessions from disk --Removes any user-cancelled sessions from the deduplication device.
      • Purge failed sessions from disk--Removes any sessions that fail from the deduplication device.
    6. Click OK.
  4. Click the Schedule tab and specify the schedule that you want to use for the backup job.

    Note: If you choose Use Rotation Scheme and Enable GFS, the Media Pool fields are not available for deduplication device groups.

  5. Click the Options button on the toolbar to open the Global Options dialog. Set up Global Options as usual.
  6. Click Submit on the toolbar to submit your job, as usual.

More information:

Submit a Backup Job

Global Backup Options

Specify Copy and Purge Policies for Disk Staging Backups