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Specify Alert Options for Disk and Tape Staging Backups

Arcserve Backup lets you use the alert notification system to send messages about migration events that occur during staging operations. For more information about setting up alerts, see Using the Alert Manager.

Note: The alert options specified for disk staging backups apply to file system devices and deduplication devices.

To specify alert options for disk and tape staging backups

  1. Open the Backup Manager and click the Start tab.

    From the Start tab, click Normal backup or Deduplication backup and then click Enable staging.

    The Staging Location and Policies tabs appear in the Backup Manager.

  2. Click the Policies tab.

    The copy policy options appear.

  3. Click Alert in the Policies list.

    The Alert options display.

  4. From the Event list, select one of the following migration job events for which you want to send an alert notification:
  5. From the Methods & Recipients field, you can accept the default options, or create a custom alert for the event. The <Default> configuration means that you will use the alert options configured using the Alert Manager.

    To create custom alerts, click the Configure button.

    The Methods & Recipients Configuration dialog opens. You can specify one or more of the defined alert configurations.Arcserve Backup provides the following defined alert configurations:

  6. To add a new Methods & Recipients configuration, click the New button.

    The Configuration Name dialog opens. Specify a name for the configuration and click OK.

    A new configuration tree displays in the browser at the left of the dialog. The new configuration tree contains one branch for all available notification methods. You must now add recipients to the methods branches of your tree. For example, if you want to use the Printer notification method, you must add an available printer to the tree.

  7. To add a recipient to a configuration, you must first select a method (for example, Broadcast) from the configuration tree and then click the Add button.

    The appropriate Add Recipient dialog opens for the selected configuration. Configure the new recipient in this dialog. For more information about the different Recipient dialogs, click the Help button.

    After you configure the new recipient, it is added to the tree.

    Note: You cannot add recipients for the Unicenter TNG alerts. If you click Modify, the Unicenter TNG Event Map dialog opens. You can then have messages sent to the Unicenter console or the World View repository when an alert is generated.

  8. To modify a Methods & Recipients configuration, select the configuration from the Configuration drop-down list.

    The selected Configuration tree displays in the browser. You can add, modify, or delete recipients from the configuration tree by clicking the Add, Modify, or Delete button.

    To delete a configuration, select the configuration from the Configuration drop-down list and click the Delete button.

    To rename a configuration, select the configuration from the Configuration drop-down list, and click the Rename button.