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Specify Postscripts Options for Disk and Tape Staging Backups

Arcserve Backup lets you specify postscripts that run based on particular migration events that occur during the course of staging operations.

A script is a set of instructions that are stored in user-defined files that can be created in any format, such as .bat and .exe. Scripts can be executed before or after an event occurs. A postscript is a set of instructions that you can run or execute after an event occurs, such a migration event. Postscripts are not limited to Arcserve Backup-based scripts.

Note: The postscript options specified for disk staging backups apply to file system devices and deduplication devices.

To specify postscripts options for disk and tape staging backups

  1. Open the Backup Manager and click the Start tab.

    From the Start tab, click Normal backup or Deduplication backup and then click Enable staging.

    The Staging Location and Policies tabs appear in the Backup Manager.

  2. Click the Policies tab.

    The copy policy options appear.

  3. Click Postscripts in the policies list.

    Specify the options that follow that you require for the job:

  4. From the Event list, select one of the following migration events for which you want to run a postscript:
  5. Click in the Postscripts field adjacent to the selected event and do one of the following:

    Note: You can specify one postscript per migration event.

  6. From the Run As section, complete the following fields:

    Note: You must provide Windows credentials to run postscripts.

  7. Repeat Steps 3, 4, and 5 to specify postscripts for other migration events.