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Browse a Large Number of Files in the Restore Manager

Use the following procedure when you need to browse a directory that contains a large number of items in the Restore Manager.

Note: The Restore Manager can display file name paths that contain up to 512 characters. This behavior includes the drive letter or network server and the share names. On NTFS and FAT32 file systems, the maximum length of file names is limited to 255 characters.

To browse a large number of files in the Restore Manager

  1. Open the Restore Manager and click the Destination tab.

    On the Destination tab, clear the checkmark from Restore files to their original location, and then browse to and specify a target directory from the directory tree.

    The Loading message box appears.

  2. From the Loading message box, click Cancel to stop the loading process.

    If Arcserve Backup did not load all items, the To show more objects, right-click the target directory and select Show More from the pop-up menu warning message appears.

    Note: The message only appears the first-time you click Cancel on the Loading message box.

  3. From the directory tree, right-click the target directory and click Show More from the pop-up menu.

    The Loading message box appears and Arcserve Backup continues loading the items.

  4. You can pause and continue the loading process as often as necessary until Arcserve Backup loads all items in the target directory.

    If you pause the loading process, the icon for the target directory displays as follows:

    Icon -  Directory - Loading more files

    When the loading process is complete, the icon for the target directory displays as follows:

    Icon -  Directory - Loading files complete.