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How Arcserve Backup Lets You Browse a Large Number of Items in the Restore Manager

Arcserve Backup lets you pause the process of loading items in the Restore Manager when you browse a large number of directories, files, and so on. You can pause the loading process when you click the Destination tab, clear the check mark from the Restore files to their original location(s) option, and browse items on the Destination tab.

The steps that follow describe how Arcserve Backup lets you browse a large number of items in the Restore Manager window.

  1. When you select an item in from the directory tree in the Restore Manager, Destination tab, Arcserve Backup displays a Loading dialog to inform you that a large number of items need to be retrieved and loaded into the Restore Manager window. You cannot click Cancel while Arcserve Backup is retrieving the list of items to display in the Restore Manager window.

    Restore Destination Loading - Item Count

  2. After Arcserve Backup retrieves the list of items to display in the Restore Manager window, the Loading dialog then displays the percentage of items that are loaded into the Restore Manager. You can click Cancel to pause the operation.

    Restore Destination Loading - Percentage Complete

  3. After you pause the Loading operation, you can continue the Loading operation by right-clicking the target directory and selecting Show More from the pop-up menu.

    Restore Destination Right-click Context Menu - Show More

  4. If you pause the loading process, the icon for the target directory displays as follows:

    Icon -  Directory - Loading more files

  5. You can pause and continue the loading process as often as necessary. To load more items, right-click the target directory and click Show More from the pop-up menu.
  6. When the loading process is complete, the icon for the target directory displays as follows:

    Icon -  Directory - Loading files complete.