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Change the Computer Name of a Member Server

The following procedure helps ensure that the member servers in a Arcserve Backup domain can communicate with the primary server after you change the computer name of the member server.

You must change the computer name of the member server before you complete this procedure.

To change the computer name of a member server

  1. Log in to the member server.

    Note: Do not open the Manager Console or log in to Arcserve Backup.

  2. Open the Windows Command Line and change the directory to the following directory:

    Execute the following commands, to stop and start all Arcserve services:


    All Arcserve services stop and restart.

    Note: Various Arcserve Backup services will not start after the cstart command completes. This is expected behavior that will not adversely affect this procedure.

    Do not close the Windows Command Line.

  3. From the Windows Start menu, select All Programs, Arcserve, Arcserve Backup, and click Server Configuration Wizard.

    The Server Configuration Wizard opens and the Select Options dialog appears.

  4. Click the Move this server to another Arcserve Backup domain option and click Next.

    The Add to Another Arcserve Backup Domain dialog opens.

  5. On the Add to Another Arcserve Backup Domain dialog, complete the following fields and click Next.

    The System Account dialog opens.

  6. Complete the following fields on the System Account dialog:

    Click Next.

    Note: At this time, a pop-up message may appear to inform you that various Arcserve Backup services will not start. This is expected behavior that will not adversely affect this procedure.

  7. Click OK.

    The Arcserve Backup Data Migration dialog opens.

  8. On the Arcserve Backup Data Migration dialog, click Next.

    The Migrate Server Data Dialog opens.

  9. On the Migrate Server Data Dialog, click Start.

    The Complete dialog opens after the data migration process starts and completes.

  10. Click Finish on the Complete dialog.

    Note: At this time, jobs do not transfer to the new member server. Continue to the next step to transfer the jobs to the new member server.

  11. Open the Job Status Manager.

    Locate a job associated with the old member server.

    Right-click the job and click Modify Job on the pop-up menu.

    From the Backup Manager, click the Destination tab.

    Specify the new member server as the destination for the job.

    Submit the job with a Hold status.

    Close the Backup Manager.

    Note: You cannot modify and transfer jobs if the source data for the jobs reside on the old member server. As such, you must delete jobs with this configuration and then re-create them on the new member server.

  12. After the member server name change is complete, the old (invalid) member server name remains in the Arcserve Backup Manager. To remove the invalid member server name from the Manager, do the following:
    1. Open the command line window and browse the Arcserve Backup installation directory.
    2. Execute the following command:
      bab -cahost <primary server> -removehost <invalid member server>

      Example: The following syntax describes a primary server named A, and an invalid member server named B.

      bab -cahost A -removehost B

      Note: If your Arcserve Backup implementation contains more that one invalid member server, repeat this step (b) for each member server.

    3. Log in to the primary server or the server hosting the Arcserve Backup database to verify the status of the Arcserve Backup database.

      (Optional) Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and open to the Arcserve Backup database instance using Windows authentication.

      For example, the path to a Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition database is as follows:

      <server name>\ARCServe_DB
      • Windows authentication is required--If you must log in to the Arcserve Backup database using Windows authentication, execute the following command (applies to Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition databases):
        osql -S  <server_name[\instance_name]>  -E -d asdb -Q "delete from ashost where rhostname = '<member server name>'"

        Example: The following syntax describes a Arcserve Backup database named asdb and the database requires Windows authentication:

        osql -S A -E -d asdb -Q "delete from ashost where rhostname = 'B' "
      • Windows authentication is not required--If Windows authentication is not required to log in to the Arcserve Backup database, execute the following command (applies only to Microsoft SQL Server databases):
        osql -S  <server_name[\instance_name]>  -U <login_user> -d asdb -Q "delete from ashost where rhostname = '<member server name>'"

        Example: The following syntax describes a Arcserve Backup database named asdb, an invalid member server named B, a Microsoft SQL Server user name sa, and a password 123.

        osql -S A -U sa -d asdb -Q "delete from ashost where rhostname = 'B' " password: 123

        Note: If your Arcserve Backup implementation contains more than one invalid member server, repeat this step (c) for each member server.

      If you can view the details for the instance, the database is functioning properly. Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and continue to the next step.

      If Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio displays pop-up messages, the database instance is not functioning properly. You must try to resolve the problems indicated on the pop-up messages and then verify the status of the Arcserve Backup database.

    If the above commands complete successfully, the following message appears:

    n rows affected

    If the above commands did not complete successfully, verify that the server name, the user name that is logged in to Arcserve Backup, and database name are correct, and then repeat this step.

  13. To verify the changes, open the Manager Console, open the Backup Manager, and select the Source tab.

    Expand the Windows Systems object in the Source directory tree.

    The member server, with its new host name, appears under the Windows Systems object.