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Scan Jobs with Deduplication

The process of running a Scan job with deduplication is the same as a regular Scan job. If desired, click the Media Assure button to access Media Assure options, then click the Enable Media Assure option to select it.

Media Assure works with all media types but for deduplication devices where hundreds of sessions are stored, it randomly samples the sessions that meet your criteria to ensure data can be recovered.

You can scan all data (default) or only session headers, as well as set filter options. You can specify one node or multiple nodes, separating names with commas in the field provided. You cannot specify * groups for deduplication Media Assure scan jobs, but you can specify a * tape in a specific group, or you can select a specific tape. The job scans the sessions that satisfy your selection criteria and repeats periodically until deleted.

Note: Media Assure supports scanning only one group and is suspended by other jobs targeting the same media. If suspended, an error is produced, "E3708 Unable to reserve group <group name> in <minutes> minutes."

More information:

Media Assure & Scan Utility