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How the Max Number of Streams Option Affects Backup and Restore Operations

Arcserve Backup provides you with the capability of streaming multiple jobs simultaneously to FSDs. Simultaneous streaming is a process that divides your backup jobs into several subjobs that run simultaneously. Arcserve Backup lets you use simultaneous streaming to send multiple streams of data to a device in a staging group. Since the data is split up among several different streams, simultaneous streaming-enabled backup jobs can be completed significantly faster than regular backup jobs.

When you back up data using disk staging, a backup job can spawn child jobs. Each child job employs one stream of data. The actual number of child jobs that the parent job can spawn varies based on whether the backup job is a node-level or a volume-level backup job. However, the number of child jobs will never exceed the number of streams specified for staging.

Note: If a job spawns child jobs and you do not specify a number of streams to use, the child jobs will be created and backed up in one continuous stream.

For a node-level backup job, the number of child jobs spawned depends upon the number of agents specified in the backup job. Similarly, for a volume-level backup job, the number of child jobs spawned depends upon the number of volumes specified in the backup job.

Example: Staging Backup Jobs with Multiple Streams

If a backup job consists of backing up four nodes and the backup level is at the node level, the parent job can spawn a minimum of four child jobs. In this example, if you specify three streams, the master job can stream three child jobs simultaneously and start the fourth child job as one of the three previous child jobs end. After all child jobs are complete, the parent job is considered finished.