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Erase Cloud-Based Device

Use this option to erase one cloud-based device at a time. Arcserve Backup also erases all references to the contents of this cloud-based device (if any) from the database. When you reformat this cloud-based device, its physical history (read and write passes) is retained.

Verify that you have selected the correct cloud-based device before using the Erase option. Erased data cannot be retrieved. When erasing cloud-based devices, you can choose from the following options:

To erase cloud-based devices

  1. Open the Device Manager and select the specific cloud-based device from the Servers directory tree.
  2. Right-click the cloud-based device and click Erase on the pop-up menu or click Erase on the toolbar.

    The Erase dialog opens.

  3. Select an erase method, click OK, and then click OK to confirm.

    Arcserve Backup erases the cloud-based device.