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Format Cloud-Based Device

Although Arcserve Backup automatically formats blank devices during a migration job, you can use this option to manually format your cloud-based device. Formatting writes a new label at the beginning of the device, effectively destroying all existing data on the cloud-based device.

Note: Use this option with care. After the cloud-based device is formatted, Arcserve Backup can no longer restores the data and any job sessions associated with the media.

To format cloud-based devices

  1. Open the Device Manager and select the specific cloud-based device from the Servers directory tree.
  2. Right-click the cloud-based device and click Format on the pop-up menu or click Format on the toolbar.

    The Format dialog opens.

  3. Assign a New Media Name to the cloud-based device that you want to format.
  4. Click OK.

    The Format dialog closes and the following message appears:

    "Formatting will erase ALL of your data from the media. Do you want to format the media?"
  5. Do one of the following: