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Export the Restore by Query Results and View the Results in a Spreadsheet

Arcserve Backup lets you query the Arcserve Backup database and export the results of the query to a text file. Arcserve Backup exports the values in tab-separated format. With a tab-separated format, you can import the data into a spreadsheet application (for example, Microsoft Excel) to analyze the results.

Example: Export the Restore by Query Results and View the Results in a Spreadsheet

Users asked you to restore several files that reside on different computers in your environment. The users do not know the precise file names. There are other files with similar file names on the computers. You can query the Arcserve Backup database using wildcard characters to obtain the host names, file paths, file names, and file modification dates. Using an Excel spreadsheet, you can sort the results and then ask your users to inform you which files to restore.

To export Restore by Query results and view the results in a spreadsheet

  1. From the Quick Start menu on the Arcserve Backup Home Page, click Restore.

    The Restore Manager window opens.

  2. From the drop down list, click Restore by Query.

    The query options fields appear.

  3. Specify the values that you require and click Query.

    The results of the query appear below the query fields.

  4. Click Export Query Result.

    Arcserve Backup gathers the query results and the Save as dialog opens.

  5. Specify a location and a file name, and then click Save.

    The query results are saved to a text file.

  6. Open your spreadsheet application.

    Import the text file that you just created.

    Note: For information about how to import text files, see the documentation for your spreadsheet application.

    The results of the query appear in the spreadsheet.