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ARCserveCfg.exe - Troubleshooting

If there are any errors which block the ARCserveCfg.exe update configuration, a positive number is returned as an error. If there are any conditions which need attention after reconfiguration, a negative number is returned as a warning. If there are no errors or warnings, the return code is 0.

Return Codes



Reconfiguration succeeded without any errors or warnings.


Reconfiguration finished with an error. For a list and description of the return codes, see ARCserveCfg.exe - Return Codes.


Reconfiguration finished with a warning. For a list and description of the return codes, see ARCserveCfg.exe - Return Codes.

The following conditions generate a warning but the reconfiguration process continues:

  1. If any job exists other than a "DB Pruning" job and a "ASDB Protection" job.
  2. If any member server is added to the domain, that the primary server belongs to.

During the server reconfiguration process, messages are output to a log file named recfgsvr.log. The log is located under the ARCSERVE_HOME\Log directory. The path is usually the following:

C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Backup\LOG\recfgsvr.log"

Launching ARCserveCfg.exe directly from the command console does not display a return code, because ARCserveCfg.exe is a Windows GUI program. A Windows batch file can be used to get the return code. For example, you can create a batch file with the following content:

Pushd "C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Backup"
ARCserveCfg.exe -reconfig -arcservedomain mydomain -username administrator -password mypassword -carootpassword mycarootpassword
Echo %errorlevel%

When you launch this batch file from a command console, you are able to see the return codes from this utility. For a list and description of the return codes, see ARCserveCfg.exe - Return Codes.

More information:

ARCserveCfg - Return Codes

ARCserveCfg.exe - Known Issues