Using Arcserve Backup › Managing Devices and Media Pools › Managing Media Pools › Manage Media in a Media Pool
Manage Media in a Media Pool
To assign media to a media pool:
- Select Device Manager in the Quick Access window or select Device Manager from the Manager menu.
The Device Manager dialog appears.
- Click Format or select Format from the Device menu.
The Format dialog appears.
- Enter the desired values in the appropriate fields. (See the preceding table for a description of these fields).
- To assign the media you are formatting to a specific media pool:
- Select the Use Rotation check box.
- In the Media Pool drop-down box, select the media pool to which you want to assign the media.
- If the media does not have a serial number assigned (displayed in the Serial # field), enter a serial number not in use.
- Click OK.
Arcserve Backup formats the media and assigns it to the media pool.
To assign media to a media pool using the Media Pool Manager:
- In the Media Pool Manager, select Assign Media from the Media menu.
- Highlight the media you want to move.
- Click Assign.
- Click OK.
To remove media from a media pool using the Media Pool Manager:
- In the Media Pool Manager, select Remove Media from the Media menu.
- Expand the media pool in the Media Pool list by clicking on it.
- Select the save set or scratch set you want to remove.
- Select the storage medium in the Available Media list, then click Remove to remove the media.
- Click OK.
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