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Virtual Machines Do Not Start After Recover VM Operations Complete

Valid on Windows platforms.


Virtual machines may not start properly after Recover VM operations complete. In addition, you may encounter the Stop Error screen (blue screen) when you try to start the virtual machine. The problem occurs only when you back up virtual machines that reside on ESX Server version 4.0 (and older versions) using VCB and a previous release of the agent, and recover the virtual machines to alternative servers running ESX Server version 4.1 (and later versions) using VDDK.


This behavior occurs because the agent cannot define the SCSI controller type from data that was backed up using VCB from a previous release of the agent. The solution to this problem is to change the SCSI controller type manually after the recovery operation completes, and then restart the virtual machine.

To change the SCSI controller type, do the following:

  1. Open the VMware vSphere Client and select the virtual machine that you recovered.
  2. Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit Settings on the pop-up menu.

    The Virtual Machine Properties dialog opens.

  3. Do one of the following: