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License Errors Occur When Backing Up and Recovering VMs

Valid on Windows.


Backup jobs and recover VM jobs fail. The following error messages appear in the Arcserve Backup Activity Log:

In addition, the following message appears in the backup and restore log files on the backup proxy system:

VMDKInit : OpenVMDKFileA failed Error: Host is not licensed for this feature

Note: The backup and restore log files are stored in the following directory on the backup proxy system:

C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Backup Client Agent for Windows\LOG


Various files and directories can be created and modified when you install the Client Agent for Windows and VMware VDDK on computers that function as backup proxy systems. In this scenario, the following temporary directory is created on the backup proxy system:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\vmware-Administrator

When you submit jobs, the files within this directory can prevent backup jobs and restore jobs from completing successfully. To remedy this problem, delete the temporary directory referenced above and then resubmit the job.

Important! This is a unique scenario. You should delete the temporary directory only when jobs fail and the license message appears in the backup and restore log files.