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Catalog Job fails when backing up a large number of files because not enough space

If you are attempting to back up a large number of files and the catalog generation job fails because there is not enough available space in the ARCserve D2D home folder, perform the following task to create a new temp location:

Important! Verify that this new location contains enough free space to hold all of your catalog temporary data.

  1. Within the ARCserve D2D home folder, access the Configuration folder. (The ARCserve D2D home folder is located on the CA ARCserve D2D install path).
    Program Files\CA\ARCserve D2D\Configuration
  2. Within the Configuration folder, create a "CatalogMgrDll.ini" file. (File name is case-sensitive).
  3. Within the new "CatalogMgrDll.ini" file, add the following content:

    Troubleshooting - Catalog Failed Insufficient Space

  4. Run the backup job again.

    The catalog generation part of the job will now go to the newly created temp folder.