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Get-Scenario - List Scenarios that carry a Given Name

The Get-Scenario command enables you to list all scenarios that carry a given name. To display this list, enter the name you are searching for.

In addition, this command enables you to list all existing scenarios. To list all scenarios, enter the command without a scenario name.

Get-Scenario [[-Name] [<String>]] 

The scenario name.

Note: You can use the '*" or "?" wildcards as part of the scenario name.

Example: List all scenarios that carry a given name in an auto-sized format table.

get-scenario File* |FT -auto
ID         Group     Name          Type       Master         State   Sync AR
--         -----     ----          ----       ------         -----   ---- --
1123633852 Scenarios FileServer    FileServer                Unknown File False
1123633468 Scenarios File Server 1 FileServer  Stopped File False