The Get-Snapshot command enables you to display all VSS snapshots of a given Replica Host.
Get-Snapshot [-Name] <String> [[-Port] <String>]
The name of the host as it appears in the scenario.
The connection port to the given host. The default port number is 25000.
Example: Display all VSS snapshots of a given Replica host in an auto-sized format table
Get-Snapshot |FT -auto
Index Snapshot Created Exposed Mounted Drive Scenario
----- -------- ------- ------- ------- ----- --------
0 {4f2bb053-5f2d} 11/18/2008 4:03:09 PM False Not Mounted C:/ FileServer
1 {bcbdda2b-6165} 11/18/2008 4:06:00 PM False Not Mounted C:/ FileServer
2 {c1f206be-2ad0} 11/18/2008 4:07:17 PM False Not Mounted C:/ FileServer
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