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Add Replicas - Add Multiple Replica Hosts to a Scenario

The Add-Replicas command enables you to add multiple Replica hosts at once to a given scenario. To add multiple Replica hosts, you need to create a text file that contains the hostnames and IP addresses of the hosts. When you use the command, first define the scenario name and the parent host of all the Replica hosts you want to add. Then, specify the name and path of the file that contains the details of the new hosts.

Add-Replicas [-ScenarioName] <String> [-ParentHost] <String> [-FileName] <String>

The name of the scenario.


The parent host of the new Replica host. The parent can be either the Master or an upstream Replica, and you can use either its hostname or IP address.


A text file that contains the host names and their IP addresses. The text should be formatted as follows:

#host name IP address

QA95-W2K3-SQL1 *

QA95-W2K3-EX2 *

UserName; Password;DomainName (ACL only)

The User Name, password and domain of a user, who has the right to add new Replica hosts.

Example: Add multiple Replica hosts to a scenario

add-replicas "Exchange Server" QA95-W2K3-EX1 D:\New_Replica_Hosts.txt
Outcome QA95-W2K3-EX1 QA95-W2K3-EX2
2 replicas were added.