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Add-Scenario - Create a New Scenario

The Add-Scenario command enables you to create a new scenario. When creating a new scenario, you need to define the following:

The new scenario is created without hosts and root directories. You define these parameters at a later stage, using the Add-Master, Add-Replica and Add-Dir commands.

Add-Scenario [-Name] <String> [[-Group] [<String>]] [[-Application] [<String>]] [[-Type] [<String>]] [[-AR] [<Boolean>] [[-IntOpt] <String> [[-ServerURL] <String>]] 

The name of the new scenario.

Note: Enter a unique name, since you cannot use the same name for more than one scenario. If you will use an existing name for the new scenario, the system will change it automatically.

Group (optional)

The scenario group name that contains the new scenario.


  • If you do not enter a group name, the new scenario is assigned to the default Scenarios group.
  • You can create here a new scenario group, by entering a new group name. You can also create a new scenario group by using the Add-Group command.

The type of server whose data will be replicated:

  • EX - Exchange
  • SQL - SQL server
  • ORA - Oracle
  • IIS - Internet Information Server
  • FS - File Server
  • P2V - Full System

The type of solution:

  • DR - Replication/Disaster Recovery
  • HA - High Availability

Whether to perform an Assured Recovery test of the recoverability of the data on the Replica server:

  • 0 - No
  • 1 - Yes

The integration with other Arcserve products:

  • BAB - Integration with Arcserve Backup
  • D2D - Integration with Arcserve D2D
  • HBBU - Integration with Arcserve Central Host-Based VM Backup

Example: Create a new scenario

add-scenario "File Server 1" "File Server Scenarios" FS DR 0
Scenario File Server 1 added successfully