Templates are a powerful facility for customizing Arcserve RHA for your own environment. Many applications allow the default values of individual parameters to be modified. Examples might be the default font to be used in new documents in Microsoft Word, or the default signature for new messages in a mail client application. Templates take this idea one step further.
Rather than provide a method to modify a single, global default value, templates offer the ability to create an entire scenario that can be used as the starting point for new scenarios in the future. These special template scenarios contain all the parameters of an actual scenario and all of them may be modified except those that clearly apply to a specific, individual scenario (such as the host names of the Master and Replica servers).
The second important advantage of templates over a set of global defaults is that they allow different sets of defaults to be created for different types of scenarios. For example, the default values appropriate for your Exchange Server High Availability scenarios are not identical to those for your File Server Replication scenarios. With templates, you can create default settings and maintain them individually for each type of scenario your IT environment needs.
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