You must select the Master directories before this function becomes available. For each Master root directory, you must define a Replica root directory on each related Replica.
Important! Special limitations apply to UNC paths (\\server\share) of remote root directories. This path type is not supported as a source (on the Master) for real-time replication. However, it can be the target for data replicated in real-time, meaning it can be used to store data on the Replica. In this case, these root directories can even support ACL replication.
Note: Browsing for a directory is possible only if the Engine is installed and running on the selected server.
To select Replica root directories
Important! The Scenario Creation Wizard automatically configures the Replica root directories to be the same as the Master root directories. If you want to keep this configuration, ensure that your Replica server has the same drive letters as the Master server, and that the selected directories on the Replica do not contain data you want to save.
Note: If the user credentials you used to log in to the Manager are different than the ones required for working with the Engine on the Replica, a User credentials dialog appears, asking you to enter log on account details for the selected Replica.
Arcserve RHA connects to the Replica server and opens the Browse and Select Replica Directory dialog opens.
The Browse and Select Replica Directory dialog displays the Replica server's directory list.
Note: The Replica root directory does not have to actually exist. You can enter the directory name by selecting the entry using the standard Windows conventions and Arcserve RHA creates it when the replication starts.
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