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Manually Recover Failed Server-IP and Switch Computer Name

If both IP and Switch Computer Name Redirection methods are used, you must remove the IP address and switch the computer names manually. You cannot use this method for scenarios that do not support Move IP Address and Switch Computer Name redirection (Exchange, CS HA).

To manually recover a failed server using both IP and Switch Computer Name redirection methods
  1. Repair any hardware problems that could have caused the switchover, if any.
  2. Reboot the server without a network connection to prevent IP conflicts.
  3. From the TCP/IP properties dialog, remove the additional IP address.
  4. From the System Properties, Computer Name dialog, change the Computer Name to <ServerName>-RHA. For example, if your server is called Server 3, rename it to Server 3-RHA.
  5. Assign the server to a temporary workgroup.
  6. Restart the computer to enable your changes to take effect. When rebooting completes, reconnect to the network now. Ignore the message, "At least one service failed during system startup." This is normal because the Engine runs in a domain, which is not currently available.
  7. Rejoin the domain, making sure you use the -RHA name, and reboot again.
  8. The reverse scenario begins and the Replica server assumes the active role. Wait while synchronization completes.
  9. Perform a manual switchover by clicking the Perform Switchover button from the toolbar, to return the active role to the Master server.