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Manually Recover a Failed Server-Switch Computer Name

If Switch Computer Name Redirection is used, you must switch the names manually. You cannot use this method for scenarios that do not support Switch Computer Name Redirection (Hyper-V HA, Exchange HA, vCenter HA if local Oracle is used).

To manually recover a failed server using the Switch Computer Name redirection method
  1. Boot the Master server without a network connection, to avoid duplicate network names.
  2. Rename the server to <NewServerName>-RHA and move it to a temporary workgroup.

    For example, if the server is "Server1", rename it to "Server1-RHA". You will be required to reboot this computer. After the reboot completes, the following error appears: "At least one Service could not be started." Ignore this, it is normal under these circumstances because the Arcserve RHA Engine usually runs in a domain account.

  3. Connect to the network.
  4. Rejoin the domain, make sure that you use the -RHA name assigned in step 2.
  5. Reboot the computer.
  6. If it is not already running, start the scenario from the Manager. (If automatic reverse replication was set to On, the scenario runs in backward mode so that the Replica server is now active and the Master server is now standby.)
  7. Wait for synchronization to complete. Perform a manual switchover to make the Master server active. It is recommended that you do so outside of normal business hours.