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Troubleshooting BBHA Script

The BBHA script has a log that contains the commands sent to the script and if those commands resulted in success or error. The following exit codes and error descriptions can also be found in the Bbha.vbs script, at the top of the file.

1 Invalid argument passed to Cscript.exe. This often is an issue with the quotation marks.

0 Successful

-1 One or more host pairs are identical

-2 Missing or improper argument usage

-3 Unable to bind to WMI provider or connect to local host

-4 Unable to bind to WMI provider or connect to DNS server in domain

-5 Unable to bind to WMI provider or connect to remote host

-6 DNS pointed at replica but services started on master

-7 DNS pointed at master but services started on replica

-8 Blackberry service error, switchover is necessary

-9 A service failed to stop on one of the hosts

-10 The DNS HOst A record for the Master does not point to either the Master or Replica servers

-11 Unable to connect to any DNS server to determine network traffic direction