- On the Arcserve RHA Manager, select from the Scenario menu the New option.
The Scenario Creation Wizard appears.
- Select the required scenario options, as follows:
- Select the Create a New Scenario option button.
- From the Group drop-down list, select the group to which you want to assign the new scenario, or enter a name for a new group.
- Click Next. The Select Server and Product Type page appears.
- Select the required scenario options, as follows:
- From the Select Server Type list, select the type of server that is used in the scenario.
- From the Select Product Type options, select Replication or High Availability Scenario according to your license.
- Note: For using the Tasks on Replica options, refer to the Arcserve RHA Administration Guide.
- Click Next. The Master and Replica Hosts page appears.
- Enter the following information:
- Click Next. The Engine Verification page appears.
Note: If the User credentials for hosts verification dialog appears, enter user credentials that will enable you to access the remote hosts on which the Engines will be installed.
- The system verifies the connectivity of the Master and Replica hosts you selected in the previous page. Once the connections are verified, the system checks whether an Engine is installed on each host.
Note: An Error message indicates that a connection could not be established to the specified host. If any errors are reported, you cannot continue until they are resolved.
Check whether an Engine is installed on the selected hosts using the Server Status column:
- If all the hosts have an Installed version, you can move to the next page.
- If any of the hosts have Not Installed under the Current Version column, then you need to install the Engine on these hosts.
Note: If an Engine is not installed on one or both hosts, and you click the Next button, the following message appears.
Click No to return to the Engine Verification page and install the Engine.
- On the Engine Verification page, click the Install button to remotely install the Engine on the selected host.
Note: you can install the Engine on both hosts at once. To perform this, select the check boxes of the two hosts, and then click the Install button.
- Wait until the installation is complete, and the Engine's version no. appears in the Current Version column.
- Click Next. The Master Root Directories appears.
Complete the scenario creation by following the wizard's instructions. (For more information about the creation of a new scenario, see Arcserve RHA Administration Guide.)