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Install the Engine using the CLI

You can install the Arcserve RHA Engine on the Master and Replica servers using the Command Line Interface.

To install Arcserve RHA Engine using the CLI


The setup file of the Arcserve RHA Engine

S, V, QN

Silent installation parameters

Domain/UserName, Password

Enter the required information according to the platform you use and the solution you implement, as described in the Requirements of Supported Applications and Databases chapter. If you don't enter the Log On Account details, the default is Local System.


Enter the port no. The default is 25000.


Select the language, by using one of the following language codes:

  • "1033"   English          
  • "1036"   French
  • "1041"  Japanese
  • "2052" Chinese (Simplified)
  • "1028"  Chinese  (Traditional)
  • "1031" German
  • "1034" Spanish
  • "1040"  Italian
  • "1046" Portuguese (Brazilian)

Example: Install the Engine using the CLI

CAARCserveRHAEngine.exe /S "/v/qn XOLOGIN="domaun/administrator" XOPASSWORD="abcd" XOPORT="25000" XOLANG="1033"