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AFUtil.exe Utility

The AFUtil.exe utility is used to scan a Arcserve UDP backup session to confirm the integrity of the backed-up data. This utility should be placed in the "Bin" folder for the Arcserve UDP installation prior to using it. When this utility is executed without any parameters, by default it will determine the configured backup destination and scan the oldest Full Backup session of all the machines that are protected by Arcserve UDP. However, it is strongly recommended to scan all backup images to ensure that data from these recovery points are restorable.

Note: The AFUtil.exe Utility applies only if the Backup Data Format is set to Standard format.


AFUtil [<-|/><switch> [parameters]]

Note: To ensure each and every image is scanned, use the /sid switch as described in the second example. You will have to run the utility one time for every session.


The following commands are supported by the AFUtili.exe utility:




Displays a list of all supported commands.


Displays a list of all supported commands.


Session related commands.

The following switches are supported by the AFStor command:

Note: You can view a list of all supported switches by using the "AFUtil.exe /? AFStor" command.



/dest <destination_path>

Backup destination folder to scan.

By default, the utility will try to determine the backup path from the configured Arcserve UDP settings. If the settings are not configured or if you want to scan a different path, this switch can be used.

Note: Path names with spaces in them should be enclosed in double quotes.

/un <username>

Use this user name to connect to the remote destination.

By default, the user name is retrieved from the Arcserve UDP backup settings. If different credentials are to be used to connect to the remote destination, this switch can be used.

/upwd <password>

Use this password to connect to the remote destination.

By default the password is retrieved from the Arcserve UDP backup settings. If different credentials are to be used to connect to the remote destination, this switch can be used.

/vhd <D2D file>

Use this to scan a specific Arcserve UDP file. This switch requires the full path and name of the file to scan.

This switch cannot be combined with ‘/dest’ switch.

Note: Path names with spaces in them should be enclosed in double quotes.

/pwd <password>

Use the provided password for decrypting the sessions.

By default, the utility will attempt to read the password from the Arcserve UDP files if the utility is run on the machine where the backups were performed. If the utility is not able to auto read the encryption password, then this switch can be used to specify a password.

/offset <start offset>

Start scanning at the given offset value. The offset value must be specified in bytes. Valid range is from 0 to the size of the disk.

If this parameter is not specified, the scan starts from offset 0.

/sid <session number>

Scan the specified session number.

If this switch is not specified, the utility will only scan the oldest base session.

/size <size>

Size of data (in bytes) of the source to be scanned.

If this parameter is not specified, the utility will scan the entire disk.

/vm [VM UUID]

Used to scan the backup proxy system for the Host-Based Backup VM server based on the specified UUID for the VM.

If the UUID for the VM is not specified, then the oldest Full backup of all the VMs protected by the Arcserve UDP proxy are scanned one by one.

Return Value

If the AFUtil.exe utility runs successfully, the return value is 0. If any error is encountered during the running of this utility, then the return value will not be 0.

The following table contains a listing of all possible error codes that can occur when attempting to run this utility and a corresponding description.

Return Value/Code




Attempted to run the utility on a machine where Arcserve UDP was not installed.

Scan is aborted immediately when this error is encountered and the error message is displayed.



Attempted to run this utility, but there is an active job running at the same time (such as a backup or merge job).

Scan is aborted immediately when this error is encountered and the error message is displayed.



Failed to connect to the specified destination folder because of an incorrect destination path, username, or password.

Scan is aborted immediately when this error is encountered and the error message is displayed.



Attempted to run this utility, but the Arcserve UDP Web Service is still running. The Arcserve UDP Web Service must be stopped before you can run the utility.

Scan is aborted immediately when this error is encountered and the error message is displayed.



The utility has detected data corruption while scanning the backup session.

Scan is NOT aborted immediately when this error is encountered and continues until the scan of the entire session is completed. The error message is displayed and an entry is included in the activity log. For more detailed debugging information about this error, search for "<<!data corruption detected!>>" in the debug log.



Attempted to run this utility, but the specified UUID for the VM is invalid.

Scan is aborted immediately when this error is encountered and the error message is displayed.



Attempted to run this utility, but failed to find a valid destination folder for the scan.

Scan is aborted immediately when this error is encountered.



Attempted to run this utility, but an invalid parameter was input when running the tool and a help message is displayed.

Other non-0 value

For more detailed information about this error, check the AFUtil.log located in the Logs folder in the Arcserve UDP installation path.

Scan is not aborted immediately when this value is returned.The scan will continue until all disks are scanned, regardless if successful or not.