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Define the Alternate Location Restore Options

During the Restore VM configuration process, specify where the recovered virtual machine is stored. The available selections are Restore to the Original Location and Restore to an Alternative Location.

This procedure explains how to restore a virtual machine to alternate location or different data store.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Restore Options dialog, after specifying the Resolve Conflicts and Post Recovery options, select Restore to an Alternative Location.

    This diagram displays the restore options that are available for Alternate location

    This diagram displays the restore options that are available for Alternate location

    If you select the Specify a virtual disk path for each virtual disk option, the following dialog appears:

    This diagram displays the restore options that are available for Alternate location

  2. Specify the appropriate server Information.
    vCenter/ESX Server

    Specifies the host name or IP address for the destination vCenter or ESX server system.


    Specifies the user name that has access rights to log in to the vCenter/ESX server where you plan to restore the virtual machine. For Hyper-V cluster VM, specify the domain account which has administrative privilege of the cluster.


    Specifies the corresponding password for the User Name.


    Specifies the protocol that you want to use for communication with the destination server. The available selections are HTTP and HTTPS.

    Default: HTTP.

    Port Number

    Specifies the port that you want to use for data transfer between the source server and the destination.

    Default: 443.

    Hyper-V Server

    Displays the host name or IP address for the destination Hyper-V Server system.


    Specifies the user name that has access rights to log in to the Hyper-V server where you plan to restore the virtual machine. For Hyper-V cluster VM, specify the domain account that has administrative privilege of the cluster.


    Specifies the corresponding password for the User Name.

    Add virtual machine to the cluster

    Select the option if you want to add the virtual machine that Arcserve UDP restores, into the cluster. Consider the following options:

    • If you provide the cluster node name as the Hyper-V server name, the check box is disabled and checked by default. As a result, the virtual machine is automatically added into the cluster.
    • If you provide the host name of a Hyper-V server that is part of the cluster the check box is enabled and you can select to add the virtual machine into the cluster.
    • If you provide the host name of a standalone Hyper-V server that is not part of the cluster the check box is disabled and unchecked.
  3. When the vCenter/ESX Server Information or Hyper-V Server Information is specified, click the Connect to this vCenter/ESX Server button or click the Connect to this Hyper-V Server button.

    If the alternative server access credential information is correct, the VM Settings fields become enabled.

  4. Specify the VM Settings.
    VM Name

    Specifies the virtual machine name that you are restoring.

    ESX Server

    Specifies the destination ESX server. The drop-down menu contains a listing of all ESX servers that are associated with a vCenter server.

    Resource Pool

    Selects the Resource Pool or vApp Pool you want to use for the virtual machine recovery.

    Note: A Resource Pool is a configured collection of CPU and memory resources. A vApp Pool is a collection of one or more virtual machines that can be managed as a single object.

    Default: empty.

    Click the Browse Resource Pool button to display the Select a Resource Pool dialog. This dialog contains a listing of all Resource Pools and vApp Pools available for the destination ESX server. Select the pool to use for the virtual machine recovery. You can leave this field blank when you do not want to assign a Resource Pool or vApp Pool to this virtual machine recovery.

    Restore - VM alternate - Resource Pool - new

    VM DataStore

    Specify the destination VM DataStore for the virtual machine recovery or each virtual disk within the virtual machine.

    A virtual machine can have multiple virtual disks and you can specify a different data store for each virtual disk.

    For example:

    • Disk0 can be restored to Datastore1.
    • Disk1 can be restored to Datastore1.
    • Disk2 can be restored to Datastore2.

    Important! For VM DataStore, this field only populates if the user has full VMware system administrator permissions. If the user does not have proper administrator permissions, Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) will not continue the restore process after you connect to the vCenter/ESX Server.

    Disk Datastore

    Specifies the data store (on ESX server) for each of the virtual disks of the VM respectively. The default data store of the VM disk file for the ESX server is shown by default. To assign the virtual disk type, you can select one of the following options: Thin, Thick Lazy Zeroed, or Thick Eager Zeroed.


    Specifies the vSphere Standard Switch/vSphere Distributed Switch configuration details.

    VM Name

    Specifies the virtual machine name that you are restoring.

    VM Path

    Specifies the destination path (on Hyper-V server) where to save the Hyper-V VM configuration file. The default folder of the VM configuration file for the Hyper-V server is shown by default. You can modify the path directly in the field or click Browse to select one.

    Note: If you are restoring the virtual machine into Hyper-V cluster and you want the virtual machine to migrate among the cluster nodes, specify the cluster shared volume (CSV) for both- the VM path and the virtual disk path.

    Specify the same virtual disk path for all virtual disks

    Specify one path (on Hyper-V server) where to save all virtual disks of the VM together. The default folder of the VM disk file for the Hyper-V server is shown by default. You can modify the path directly in the field or click Browse to select one.

    Note: If you are restoring the virtual machine into Hyper-V cluster and you want the virtual machine to migrate among the cluster nodes, specify the cluster shared volume (CSV) for both- the VM path and the virtual disk path.

    Specify a virtual disk path for each virtual disks

    Specify the path (on Hyper-V server) for each of the virtual disks of the VM respectively. The default folder of the VM disk file for the Hyper-V server is shown by default. You can modify the path directly in the field or click Browse to select one. To assign the virtual disk type, select one of the following options: Fixed Size, Fixed Size (Quick), Dynamically Expanding, and Keep same as Source disk.



    Specifies the network configuration details for the VM.

  5. Click OK.

    The Restore Summary dialog opens.

The restore options for alternate location are defined.