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Define the Restore Options

After you select the level of Microsoft Exchange objects, specify the destination for your backup. You can either select to restore to the original location or restore to a different location option.

Note: For Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and Exchange Server 2013, archived mailbox items cannot be restored to the original location. Archived mailbox items can only be restored to an alternate location or to a local disk. In addition, regular mailbox items cannot be restored to archive mailboxes.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Restore Options dialog, select the restore destination.

    Restore Options dialog.

    The available destination options are:

    Restore to Original Location

    Restores the mails to the original location from where the backup image was captured. Mails will retain the same hierarchy and be restored to its original mailbox and original folder.

    • If current machine is not the active Microsoft Exchange server, Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) will detect the location of the active server and then restore the mails to that active server.
    • If mailbox has been moved to another Microsoft Exchange server, but still in the same organization, Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) will detect the new Exchange server where the original mailbox resides, and then restore to that new server.
    • If the display name of the mailbox is changed, any attempt to restore the mailbox (from an earlier backup session) to its original location will fail because Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) will not be able to find the changed name. To solve this problem, you can specify to restore this mailbox to an alternate location.

    Note: When restoring a mailbox or mail to the original location, make sure the destination mailbox is available, or else the restore will fail. Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) only validates the destination when the restore job is submitted.

    Note: For a granular restore catalog job in Microsoft Exchange 2013 only, enter the CAS (Client Access Server) Name. The CAS is a thin, stateless server that serves as a proxy for client connections to the Mailbox servers. To do this, from the Restore Options dialog, click Browse. From the Select the Client Access Server dialog, select one of the CAS items and click OK.

    Dump File Only

    Restores the mails to a disk. This disk location can be local or a remote machine. The restored mails will maintain the same hierarchy as they had in the corresponding Microsoft Exchange mailbox. The file name will become the subject of mail.

    Note: If the mail subject, folder name, or mailbox name includes any of the following characters, the character will be replaced by hyphen (-) in file name: \ / : * ? " < > |

    For this option, you also need to specify what you want Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) to do to resolve a conflict situation. In Microsoft Exchange, you can have multiple mail objects with the same name under the same folder. However in a File System, two files with the same name cannot co-exist under the same folder.

    There are two options to resolve this conflict situation:


    If on the disk, there is a file with the same name as the mail subject, Arcserve UDP will still name the mail subject, but will append a number at the end of the mail subject.


    If on the disk, there is a file with the same name as the mail subject, Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) will overwrite that file.

    Note: When you select individual mail objects to restore to the disk (dump), by default the format of the restored mail object will be an Outlook Message (.MSG) file and not a Personal Storage Table (.PST) file.

    Restore to Alternate Location

    Restores the mails to a specified location or lets you browse to the location where your backup images will be restored. The destination must be a mailbox in the same Microsoft Exchange organization, and a new folder name is required. (If you are attempting to restore mails to an alternate location, the destination cannot be a public folder).

    Note: When restoring mail to an alternate location, if the specified destination folder already exists, the restore will continue. However, if the specified folder does not exist, then Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) will create the folder first and then continue the restore.

    1. Specify the User Name and Password credentials, click the Browse button to navigate through a list of all Microsoft Exchange Servers, Storage Groups, Exchange Databases, and Mailboxes in the current organization.
    2. Select a mailbox as the destination.
    3. For a granular restore catalog job in Microsoft Exchange 2013 only, enter the CAS (Client Access Server) Name. The CAS is a thin, stateless server that serves as a proxy for client connections to the Mailbox servers. To do this, from the Restore Options dialog, click Browse. From the Select the Client Access Server dialog, select one of the CAS items and click OK.
  2. Click Next.

    The Restore Summary dialog opens.