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Select the Level of Microsoft Exchange Objects to be Restored

After generating the Microsoft Exchange Granular Restore catalog, specify the level of Exchange objects to be restored.

Note: Arcserve UDP does not support granular recovery of Exchange public folder objects. You need to use Application Restore to recover the entire public folder database and then extract the specific Exchange object you need.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Exchange Database dialog, select the level of Exchange object(s) to be restored (mailbox, folder, or individual mail).

    You can select the entire content or partial content of the Exchange object to restore. You can select multiple Exchange objects to restore.

    Note: When using Arcserve UDP to restore individual mailbox/mail objects from the Exchange mailbox database, the operating system used for the restore must be same as used when it was backed up (including the same Windows Version number and Service Pack level and also the related version of the visual C++ redistributable package required to support it).

    The available Microsoft Exchange objects are:

    1. Mailbox database

      If you select a mailbox database, all of the mailboxes in that database will be restored.

    2. Mailbox (or mailboxes)

      If you select a mailbox level, all corresponding content (folders and individual mail) within that mailbox will be restored.

    3. Folder(s)

      If you select the mailbox folder level, all corresponding mail content within that folder will be restored.

    4. Individual mail object(s)

      If you select the individual mail level, only the selected mail object(s) will be restored.

  2. Click Next.

    The Restore Options dialog Opens.

The Microsoft Exchange objects to be restored are specified.