A plan includes different types of tasks that you want to perform. To create a virtual standby machine, you create a plan that includes a backup task and a virtual standby task. A backup task performs a backup of the source nodes and stores the data to the specified destination. This backup data is then used by the virtual standby feature and converts it to a virtual machine format.
You can create a virtual standby machine from an agent-based Windows backup, host-based agentless backup. You can also create a virtual standby machine from data that are replicated using the Replicate task. The following procedure is an example to create agent-based Windows backup.
Note: For more information on host-based agentless backup, see How to Create a Host-Based Virtual Machine Backup Plan.
Note: For more information on replicating a backup data, see How to Create a Recovery Point Server Replication Plan.
Follow these steps:
If you have created plans earlier, those plans are displayed on the center pane.
Add a Plan opens.
The plan will not run until you clear the check box to resume the plan.
Note: After a plan is paused, all jobs are paused except the restore job and the copy job. The running jobs are not affected. If you pause a plan that has pending jobs, then those pending jobs will also pause. When you resume the plan, the pending jobs does not resume immediately. After you resume the plan, the pending jobs will run from the next scheduled time. You can find the schedule of the next job form the home page of Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows).
Now, specify the Source, Destination, Schedule, and Advanced details.
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