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Add a New Role

You can create a customized role and select permission for that role.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Users and Roles from the Configure page.

    Users and Roles are displayed on the User Management page.

  2. Click Roles.

    The Roles page opens and lists all the available roles.

  3. Click Add New Role.

    The Add Role page opens.

  4. Provide a role name and click Next.

    Note: Do not use special characters such as ~!@#$%^&*\ and others in the name of a role.

  5. Select the required permission check boxes and click Next.
  6. Select users for this role.
  7. Click Finish.

    A new role is created and assigned permissions to this role.

Note: Some permissions work only when the related permissions are also selected. For example, if you want to configure a role for managing Virtual standby, then you need to select the permission to manage Virtual standby and select the view node permission to ensure that the role can function normally.