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Add a Storage Array

If you are using hardware snapshots, you have to add the storage array details to the Console. If you do not add a storage array and you submit a backup job using hardware snapshot, the backup job will first look for the storage array details in the Console. When the backup job does not find the storage array details, the job uses a software snapshot to create backup sessions.

Important! You must have the Array and Data IP address to add a storage array. To find the IP address, refer to the topic Find Array and Data IP of the SVM Storage Array for the Arcserve UDP Console.

Adding a storage array is required for VMware host-based agentless backup only. You can add a standalone array, Cluster, or vFiler to the Console.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Console, click resources.
  2. Navigate to Infrastructure on the left pane and click Storage Arrays.

    The Add a Storage Array dialog opens.

  3. Select one of the following options for the type of array:

    Specifies the storage array is a standalone appliance..


    Specifies the storage array belongs to a cluster of arrays.


    Specifies the storage array is a vFiler.

  4. Provide the following details for the specific type of array:

    Specifies the name of the site.

    Array IP

    Specifies the IP address of the array. For 7-mode, provide the IP address that can access the iSCSI interface and NFS. The IP address that you provide is used by the VMware(ESXi) to access the storage array for read and write operations. For cluster and Vfiler, provide the management IP address of the Storage Array or management IP address of the Storage Virtual Machine (SVM).

    To find the Array IP address, refer to the topic Find Array and Data IP of the SVM Storage Array for the Arcserve UDP Console.

    Data IP

    Specify the Data access IP (Logical Interface) of the storage virtual machine (SVM), where the target machines (ESXi) can access this storage array for read and write operations. This option is applicable for Cluster and vFiler only. If the Storage Virtual Machine supports only FC protocol, then enter NA.

    To find the Data IP address, refer to the topic Find Array and Data IP of the SVM Storage Array for the Arcserve UDP Console.


    Specifies the user name to connect to the storage array.


    Specifies the password for the user name.


    Specifies the port number of the array.


    Specifies the protocol to connect to the array. For vFiler, the default protocol is HTTP.

  5. Click Save.

The storage array is added to the Console.