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How to Perform an Offline Data Replication Using RPS Jumpstart

Replicating a large data store to another recovery point server (managed from a different UDP Console) is time consuming over a network (LAN, WAN, Internet). To replicate a large data store quickly, Arcserve UDP provides an offline data replication method. This method is named RPS Jumpstart.

RPS Jumpstart is an offline replication method that uses an external storage device such as a USB flash drive to replicate a data store. This replication is between two data stores that are managed from different UDP Consoles. For example, consider a service provider that offers its replication services to multiple customers. The customer replicates the data to a storage device and sends the storage device to the service provider. The service provider replicates data from the storage device to the destination server. Both the service provider and the customer must have Arcserve UDP that is installed at their locations.

The offline replication requires both the administrators (the Source and Destination administrators) to complete the following steps at their respective location.

Important! If you are replicating from a shared folder to a data store selected on Recovery Point Server, see How to Migrate Arcserve r16.5 Recovery Points to Arcserve UDP.

Source Administrator
  1. Replicate the source data store to an external device.
  2. Send the external device to the destination location.
Destination Administrator
  1. Receive the external device.
  2. Replicate the source data store from the external device to the destination recovery point server.

The following diagram illustrates how to perform an offline data replication using RPS Jumpstart.

How to Perform an Offline Data Replication Using RPS Jumpstart

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