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(Optional) Perform a Manual File Archive

Typically, a File Archive is performed automatically and it is controlled by the File Archive schedule settings. In addition to the scheduled File Archive, a manual File Archive provides you the option to copy your important files on a need basis. When you run a manual File Archive, the job archives all the sessions in the File Archive source.

File Archive can be run manually from the Nodes view and Plans view by clicking Actions menu or context menu.

Follow these steps to run the File Archive manually from the Nodes view:

  1. From the Console, click the resources tab.
  2. From the left pane, navigate to Nodes, and click All Nodes.

    Nodes are displayed in the center pane.

  3. Select the nodes for a File Archive job. The nodes must have a File Archive plan assigned to it.
  4. On the center pane, click Actions, File archive Now.

    The Run File archive now dialog opens.

  5. Click OK.

    The File Archive job runs.

The manual File Archive is successfully performed.