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Power On Virtual Standby Machines from Recovery Point Snapshots

Virtual standby can be configured to power on virtual standby machines from recovery point snapshots automatically when the monitoring server does not detect a heartbeat from the source server. Optionally, you can power on virtual standby machines from recovery point snapshots manually in the event a source server fails, an emergency occurs, or you want to offline a source node for maintenance.

Note: The following steps describe how to power on virtual standby machines from recovery point snapshots manually. For information about how to allow Virtual Standby to power on Recovery Point Snapshots automatically, see Add a Virtual Standby Task to the Plan.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the resources tab, navigate to the Virtual Standby node group.

    The virtual standby nodes are displayed on the center pane.

  2. On the center pane, select the node and click Standby VM.

    The Standby VM dialog opens.

  3. On the Standby VM dialog, perform the following tasks:

    The virtual machine is powered on using the data contained in the recovery point snapshot.

Note: After the virtual machine is powered on, you can be prompted to restart the computer one or more times. This behavior occurs because VMware installs VMware Tools on the virtual machine or Windows Hyper-V installs Integration Services on the virtual machine.

After you power on virtual standby machines from recovery point snapshots, you may need to complete the following tasks:

Note: This task is required only when you want to create recovery point snapshots for the virtual machine that was powered on.