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Solutions for Preflight Check Items of Hyper-V VMs

The following tables describe the solutions to help you resolve errors and warnings from your Preflight Check results for Hyper-V VMs:

Hyper-V Credentials





Failed to access the ADMIN$ share of the Hyper-V server or does not have the proper credentials.

  • Verify if the Hyper-V server is running
  • Verify if the network of Hyper-V server is connectable.
  • Verify if the ADMIN$ share of Hyper-V Server is enabled.
  • Provide administrator rights of Hyper-V when importing VM from it.

Integration Services





Not installed, running, operational.

Install/Upgrade/Enable the integration services.


  • For Windows VM, if the integration services are installed, verify if the following two required services are running in the VM: Hyper-V Data Exchange Service and Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor. Also verify, if there are errors of Hyper-V services in the event log of VM.
  • For Linux VM, verify the latest integration services are installed, and Key-Value Pair and Live virtual machine backup features are available on the specific Linux VM. For more information on Linux-integrated services on Hyper-V VM, see the Microsoft KB article.


Not responding

Restart the integration services in the guest OS of the VM.


The integration service inside the virtual machine is not compatible with the integration service in the Hyper-V server.

Create an agent-based backup plan in Arcserve UDP or use Arcserve UDP Agent to back up the VM.


Out of date.

Upgrade the integration services.

Power State





Powered off.

Power on the virtual machine.



Power on the virtual machine.






The physical hard disk that is attached to the virtual machine will not be backed up.

Create an agent-based backup plan in Arcserve UDP or use Arcserve UDP Agent to back up the virtual machine.


Unable to back up the VM. The VM has disks on a remote share.

Create an agent-based backup plan in Arcserve UDP or use Arcserve UDP Agent to back up the virtual machine.


Failed to get the virtual machine by instance UUID.

Verify if the virtual machine exists on the Hyper-V server.

Data Consistency





An application-consistent snapshot is not supported. The virtual machine has a dynamic disk.

Create an agent-based backup plan in Arcserve UDP or use Arcserve UDP Agent to back up the virtual machine.


An application-consistent snapshot is not supported because the VM has storage spaces.

Create an agent-based backup plan in Arcserve UDP or use Arcserve UDP Agent to back up the virtual machine.


An application-consistent snapshot is not supported because the VM has a volume whose shadow copy storage is located on another volume.

Change the volume's shadow copy storage area to the volume itself.

Note: For a VM in Hyper-V 2012 R2, if certain update of Microsoft is applied on Hyper-V host, application-consistent snapshot is still supported in such cases.


An application-consistent snapshot is not supported. The virtual machine has different file systems other than NTFS/Refs.

If you want to back up the virtual machine but skip the File Systems other than NTFS/Refs, create an agent based backup plan in Arcserve UDP or use Arcserve UDP Agent to back up the virtual machine.

Note: For a VM in Hyper-V 2012 R2, if certain update of Microsoft is applied on Hyper-V host, application-consistent snapshot is still supported in such cases.


An application-consistent snapshot is not supported. The Scoped Snapshot feature is enabled in the virtual machine.

Disable the Scoped Snapshot inside VM by adding a DWORD registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore\ScopeSnapshots with the value 0.


An application-consistent snapshot is not supported. The integration service is not operational (Failed state).

Refer to the Integration Services column.


Not verified because the application failed to get the virtual machine by instance UUID.

Verify if the virtual machine exists on the Hyper-V server.


Not verified because the virtual machine is not powered on.

Refer to the Power State column.


An application-consistent snapshot is not supported. Failed to log in to the virtual machine to check the reason.

Provide built-in local administrator or domain administrator credentials to log in to the virtual machine guest operating system. Also, verify that the virtual machine has network connectivity.


An application-consistent snapshot is not supported for an unknown reason.

To identify the reason of cannot take an application-consistent snapshot, check the event logs. The event log is located at the following location:

Inside the VM: Event Viewer>Windows Logs>Application and System. In the log, look for errors that come from Disk, VSS, and VolSnap.

On the Hyper-V server: Event Viewer>Windows Logs>Application and Services Logs> Microsoft>Windows>Hyper-V-*. In the log, look for errors for the respective VM.