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How to Upgrade Gateway to the Same Version as its Registered Console

Arcserve UDP Version 6.0 Gateway must be of the same version as its registered Console. After Arcserve UDP Console is upgraded, the related gateway version is verified when the service starts. If the Gateway version does not match the Console version, Arcserve UDP automatically triggers an auto update for the gateway servers.

If the gateway is unavailable for auto update, you can manually upgrade the gateway later.

Follow these steps to manually upgrade the gateway:

  1. Log in to the Arcserve UDP Console.
  2. Click the resources tab and navigate to Infrastructure, and click Sites.
  3. Select the site that you want to upgrade.
  4. Click the Actions drop-down list, and then click Upgrade Gateway.

    A confirmation dialog opens.

  5. Click Yes.

    The gateway is upgraded with the latest version of Arcserve UDP Gateway.