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Customize Dashboard Reports

Each report contains various configuration options that let you customize the look and performance of Arcserve Backup Dashboard to meet your specific needs and preferences. For many of the reports, you can select such features as how the graphical information is displayed, the time period for the report, the servers or node tiers being monitored, the backup methods being monitored, what to do with the collected information, and many other report-specific options.

Any parameter or configuration settings that you make to the individual reports remain with the same settings when you close and re-open Dashboard. It does not automatically return to the default settings. In addition, to further enable customized reports, the configuration settings that you make to one of the reports does not get applied automatically to all the remaining reports. Each individual report can have its own specific settings.

However, Dashboard also lets you make some configuration settings that would be globally applied to all reports. These global settings let you specify the time period (number of days) for all reports, specify the node tiers being monitored, refresh the displayed data for all reports, reset all reports to the default values, and reset the overall layout of the reports to the default look.

More information:

Global Options

Report-Specific Options