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Send a Report by Email

All reports let you export collected data for the corresponding report. For each report you can specify if you want to email the report through a SMTP server. If you send a report by email, the content is the same as the printed content and all graphical charts are sent as embedded images.

To send a report by email

  1. Click on the email icon (located at the upper right corner of each individual report).

    The Send Report by Email dialog opens.

    Send Report by Email Window

  2. Enter the email address for each recipient of the scheduled e-mail in the To field. (You can also enter recipient information in the CC field).

    There must be at least one recipient in the To box.

    Note: To enter multiple email addresses, each address must be separated by a semi-colon character.

  3. Specify the priority of the scheduled email (High, Normal, or Low), add a comment to be included in the email, and enter the email subject.

    Note: If you do not enter a subject, a pop-up confirmation window opens when you click the OK button.

  4. Click OK.

    The email containing the corresponding report is sent to the recipients.